GEM Shipping
GEM Committed to serve you AS

Bunkering Agents


Coordenar formalidades e requisitos antes da chegada do navio com fornecedores de bunker, inspetores, autoridades portuárias e comandante.

Acompanhar o andamento do abastecimento mantendo nossos clientes informados.


Flavia Bohm

Senior Operations Manager

“We have worked with Gem since its foundation and we are witnesses of the quality of its services and the constant effort to satisfy beyond expectations. In particular, we have excellent experience with Gem services in handling steel cargo and bunkering calls from our vessels. Ultrabulk”

Rio de Janeiro

Av. Jornalista Ricardo Marinho, Número 360, Sala 106/107
Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro/RJ

+55 21 3594 2897

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